Tuesday, April 28, 2009

9 months...

Trigger will be 9 months old tomorrow (the 29th). My boy is growing up so fast...makes me sad! Today we took him to see Dr. Slusher...we love Dr. Slusher and Mrs. Lori...for his 9 month check-up. Trigger was busy tearing up the paper on the table the whole time!! At least he wasn't screaming. He weighed in at 17lbs 13oz...don't remember his height (it's written down in the car but I don't want to go look...does that make me a bad mom...NOPE, just a tired mommy!). He has fallen a little off his growth curve in weight which kindof worried me. Dr. Slusher said it was fine for breastfed babies to fall off a little at this point. We will watch his weight and he should be back on schedule by 12 months. She said we are doing everything we are suppose to be doing...always good to hear! Dr. Slusher did check him out good since he has been sick and the diagnosis is COLD and EAR INFECTION!!! WHAT? ear infection? I just told someone yesterday..."he's never had an ear infection!" Shouldn't I know better than to go off and say something like that! He's on his first antibiotic...a little penicilin will fix anything! Unless your highly allergic like me. Hope that's not the case with Trigger because it's a PAIN! Anyway, he had to have his finger pricked to check his iron levels. He was so brave. Trigger just stared at his finger and watched the blood come out...YUCK! and OF COURSE he smiled at all the ladies that passed. SUCH A little FLIRT!
This is a picture of Trigger after getting his finger pricked. He was a little obsessed with his bandaid. I'm not sure why all the gauze was necessary. He managed to pulled it all off as soon as we got on the road!

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