Saturday, April 25, 2009

Feeling Creative

I felt a little creative over Easter break...actually inspired would be the right word. I saw Ella Grace in a really cute outfit and Amanda told me she made the outfit. Soooo..I went to the Fabric Shop on Good Friday and bought some fabric and made this outfit for Trigger to wear to my grandparents on Saturday night. NOW...this is my first outfit ever. In fact, I really haven't sewn anything before so please cut me some slack. It only took me about 4-5 times to sew the legs together...I don't follow directions very well especially when there are no pictures. AND, in my defense, I got the pattern on the internet and it was a hand-drawn pattern. Anyway, I was pleased with the turnout. I'm not sure how they will hold up in the wash. I haven't tried yet!


Amanda said... did a great job. I am so impressed...great way to turn the bunny shirt into a boy shirt.

Emery Wilkerson said...

That is adorable!!! I need lessons!