Monday, November 29, 2010

Zizzy’s house

Zizzy will officially be called Zizzy by our children.  Liz had come up with Izzy before Trigger was born but he couldn’t say it right and so now he always calls her Zizzy.  I made Liz decide what she wanted it to be…she asked Trigger and they decided on Zizzy.  Soooo…Zizzy it is!  I love it. 

Anyway, Trigger LOVES to go to Zizzy’s house and begs to go all the time.  We went over this particular day to see Meme and Papaw (Liz’s parents) and to play with Sydney.  We spent most of our time outside because Trigger LOVES being outside.  Campbell got in a swing for the first time…I’m not sure if he was loving it or not but he did NOT cry!  Trigger insisted on sitting in the baby swing instead of the new car swing that Zizzy had just bought him. 

IMG_0734 Precious Sydney sliding…isn’t she just adorable!

IMG_0735Campbell’s first photo in the car swing.  He’s hanging on for dear life..haha!

IMG_0741  IMG_0744 When we are at Zizzy’s, we have to get EVERYTHING out to play with!  Might I add that the picture below brings horrible thoughts of 15 years down the road…scary, scary thoughts!

IMG_0753 IMG_0755 IMG_0756 IMG_0758 IMG_0759 IMG_0760 IMG_0764 I love that Trigger and Campbell get to spend so much time with their cousins!!!

Oh…one more thing.  I had cooked some dessert and had a dip sitting on the counter leftover from a party.  I caught Trigger like THIS….GUILTY!

IMG_0731 And, here’s how I found the dip…

IMG_0732 That boy is such a mess!

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