Monday, November 29, 2010

Webcam Fun

Trigger was having constant meltdowns one day so while Campbell was napping, I decided to have a little one-on-one time with him.  This is what we chose to do…and let me tell you, EASY, CHEAP entertainment.  He LOVED IT!

(SORRY for the no makeup!  That’s the joys of staying home…I don’t always put on makeup AND I don’t always put on real clothes AND I LOVE IT!!!)

Snapshot_20101102_3 Snapshot_20101102_6 Snapshot_20101102_9 While I was uploading those pictures, I came across these two.  WOW, Trigger has CHANGED from a baby to a little boy!

This one was taken July 2009 (16 months ago).

Snapshot_20090708_5 This one was taken exactly a year ago. (Check out those lovely curtains…that has been replaced with nice curtains now…in case you were worried. HAHA)

Snapshot_20091120 Soooo…if a toddler is fussy, break out the webcam.  I hope I can remember that! :)

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