Monday, November 29, 2010


Campbell has learned to retaliate when Trigger bothers him or gets close.  Campbell just grabs a chunk of hair.  In fact, he grabs alot of hair.  Amazingly, Trigger really isn’t phased by it.

Beginning November '10 1081 I took these pictures moments after the first time Campbell pulled the hair above.  Trigger still continued to play and wrestle with Campbell.

Beginning November '10 1082 Beginning November '10 1084 Beginning November '10 1089 Beginning November '10 1090 And, Campbell got tired of Trigger annnnnndddd, grabbed some more hair.

Beginning November '10 1088 Beginning November '10 1087 Sorry for the blurry pictures…my camera (my good camera) has been taking blurry pictures.  About half of the pictures I take now are blurry…it’s quite aggravating…so much so that I am contemplating getting a new camera.  I’m sure it’s just a setting but since I know NOTHING about my camera, I can’t fix it!

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