Monday, November 29, 2010

Boys, Boys, Boys

Boys sure are sweet but I’m pretty sure my house will never look the same again!  That’s not really what this post is about…in fact, I don’t really have a reason for this post except to share some random pictures of my two boys!

Let’s start with their matching pjs.  I LOVE IT!!!  They were all clean and smelling good and being sweet. 

Beginning November '10 1228 Beginning November '10 1234Beginning November '10 1236 Next up, Campbell just being sweet, sweet Campbell.  Let me just say that I ranted and raved about him being high maintenance.  He’s NOT!  He’s laid back..or maybe he has just learned how to be a go-with-the-flow child.  He is most definitely my snuggler.  He is MOST happy when he is cuddled up with me or Matt or really anyone that will take the time to hold him.  Trigger was never that way…he is and has always been mr. independent (which i love too because he can dress himself- seriously, and retrieve things for me-when he wants to, and complete many tasks and follow pretty complex instructions for his age- when he wants to).  They are so different and I love their uniqueness!

Beginning November '10 1161 Beginning November '10 1162

Beginning November '10 1171 

And, here is Mr. Independent.  Have I mentioned that his FAVORITE color is orange…WHY?  Red is obviously the better choice!  Haha!  Honestly, I am beginning to wonder if he isn’t color blind because he still isn’t recognizing his colors and we work on them and point them out ALL the time…AND, I even have a poster on his wall with the colors listed.  Hahaha…I’m just kidding about that…but that was for you, Chasten!  I don’t really have the poster but I do work on it all the time.  He knows black, brown, and orange consistently.  Coming for a teacher background, those are the three strangest ones to know.  Oh well…I guess time will tell!

Beginning November '10 1165 Beginning November '10 1167

Beginning November '10 1154Beginning November '10 1153

And mr. independent’s shoe thing strikes again…except this time it’s my “wear-it-declare-its” boots.

Beginning November '10 1176 Me and my boys playing after supper one night.

Beginning November '10 1190b copy And Trigger had to hold “Camel”.

Beginning November '10 1198 which turns into some rough play

Beginning November '10 1209 Beginning November '10 1218 Beginning November '10 1224 I know I say it all the time…but I truly feel so blessed to be the momma to these two boys!

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