Monday, November 29, 2010

Campbell’s FIRST food

We held out for as long as we could to give Campbell anything other than breastmilk.  As you know, he had a rough start with breastfeeding.  After SIX long months, he is FINALLY, FINALLY fully breastfeeding.  I don’t think he has had a bottle in 2 weeks.  This is opposite of how most people do things…imagine that.  We came home from the hospital attempting to nurse at every feeding, then giving a bottle, and then me pumping…quite an ordeal.  and up until about 3 weeks ago, I was breastfeeding all day and then giving him a bottle before bed.  NOW, he is fully breastfeeding.  I go on and on about this because this has been a LONG, LONG, LONG process for me (and Matt and Campbell).  Anyway, now that I finally got him exclusively breastfeeding, I thought we would try some rice cereal.  I told Trigger that we were going to feed Campbell and he got so excited.  He fetched the bowl and spoon for me and then high tailed it to the table and yanked a chair up to help.  I thought it was so cute that he cared!  Campbell is still not crazy about the rice cereal and we have had to stop it for a few days because of some tummy trouble.  We have started back up now so we will see how he does.  My plan is that I probably won’t start him on vegetables until he’s around 8 months..that’s when we started with Trigger.  There’s really no need since he’s getting everything he needs from my milk and he’s sleeping fine.  I do constantly worry about his weight gain but he’s hanging on to the 25th percentile.  We will go for his 6 month visit next Tuesday so we will see what Dr. Slusher says. 

I absolutely LOVE this picture of his first bite.  Look at Trigger’s face. 

IMG_0844 IMG_0845 And, Trigger decided that he needed to feed him. 

IMG_0857 IMG_0861 So the next day I went to get Campbell’s rice cereal ready and Trigger came running.  Apparently, he thinks that his chore now to feed Campbell.  He yanked the chair up, grabbed the bowl, and the spoon AND STARTED feeding Campbell before I could even get over there. 

Trigger's Thanksgiving Party 995Which if he were better at getting the cereal in Campbell’s mouth, that might not be such a bad chore for Trigger! ;)

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