Monday, November 29, 2010

Halloween 2010

For Halloween, we usually just go to Temple’s Fall Festival because Trigger doesn’t really understand trick-or-treating yet AND we have to work at the festival anyway.  Before we left, I set up a little photo shoot outside.  Campbell wore Trigger’s first Halloween outfit…he was a pumpkin.  Trigger was “farm brown” (Farmer Brown).  He LOVES the book “Farmer Brown and His Little Red Truck”. 

Farmer Brown and His Little Red Truck


You know he has that obsession about red trucks…which is now really just any truck.  Soooo…i thought it was perfect for him to be Farmer Brown and his little brother could be his little pumpkin from his farm.  I’m not sure ANYONE else put that connection together but that was my thought process.  As you saw from the last post, Trigger was also Woody for his Halloween party at school.

Anyway, here are a few pictures from our photo shoot.

Halloween- 2010 005 Trigger had a hard time keeping his hands off his little brother…i’m sure it was more from his deep love for him and NOT from his impulsiveness to yank that stem right off his brother’s head AND choking him in the process. :)

Halloween- 2010 006 Halloween- 2010 027 Halloween- 2010 041 Halloween- 2010 044 I love the picture above…look at Campbell’s little sly smile.  He KNOWS that Trigger is about to get in trouble!  He seriously knows how to get his big brother in trouble!  HAHA!!!  ANd then, Trigger shoved Campbell down.

Halloween- 2010 057Halloween- 2010 059 And as you can see, it’s almost impossible to get both boys looking at the camera and smiling.

Halloween- 2010 082Look at this precious pumpkin on his FIRST halloween!

Halloween- 2010 109  The whole crew.

Halloween- 2010 118 Halloween- 2010 116 The boys

Halloween- 2010 140 And me and my boys

Halloween- 2010 139 Trigger, Campbell, Grammy, Papaw, and Chelsea

Halloween- 2010 167 After the HUGE photo shoot, we made it to Temple.  Trigger had so much fun on the jumpies.  Thankfully, when we got there, it wasn’t too busy!

Halloween- 2010 172 Halloween- 2010 178 Halloween- 2010 181 Trigger enjoyed some of the other games too…

Halloween- 2010 183 Halloween- 2010 185 Halloween- 2010 189Halloween- 2010 192 Halloween- 2010 194 And, who did we run into while we were there?  Only the cutest little bumblebee…Sarah Kate Taylor.  Trigger loves Sarah Kate…they are in the same MDO class.  Of course they acted like they had never seen each other before. 

Halloween- 2010 199 I guess he felt like he should take his hat off since he was in the presence of a lady! :)
Halloween- 2010 201 And where was Mr. Campbell, you ask?  Well, he was hanging out in the stroller…then, his Zizzy arrived and HAD to have him!

Halloween- 2010 174 And, when Zizzy had to go work at her booth, it made Campbell quite sad!  Soooo…I took the opportunity to get a good tooth picture.  LOOK…TWO teeth all the way at 4.5 months!!!  It looks like he is going to follow along his big brother’s teething schedule!

Halloween- 2010 203 Campbell and Trigger with Poppy and Zizzy.

Halloween- 2010 208 Halloween- 2010 209 Campbell was WORN out from all the fun and fell fast asleep in my arms on the way to the car.

Halloween- 2010 212 Afterwards, we made TWO stops to Trick-or-Treat.  The first was to see Uncle “Ses” (Seth) and Aunt “Mana” (Vanna) and Baby Reid.  Trigger LOVES them so much!!!

Halloween- 2010 214 Halloween- 2010 215 And of course, Trigger threw a fit to eat some of his candy.  So I let him eat a tootsie roll in the car…YUCK! (NOTE: do you see Trigger smelling the tootsie roll in the picture above.)

Halloween- 2010 217 The last stop was to our FAVORITE…MRS. VEATCH!!!  Chasten had the cutest little rubber ducks dressed as scarecrows.  And look at her cute belly…Miss Ella Cate is going to be a precious daughter-in-law!

Halloween- 2010 219 WHEW…we were all tired after that night!  I can’t wait until next year…we’ll be chasing a 3 yr. old and a 1 yr. old!  That will be sooo chaotic and soooo fun!!!!

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