Monday, November 29, 2010

Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus

(Before I share any pictures, let me just state that we were NOT going anywhere this day…and Trigger is absolutely OBSESSED with that DANG grey Saints shirt…I truly think I will have to burn it because he has a Saints shirt locator inside him…he can find that thing no matter how hard I try to hide it.  And the bad thing is that he has two of them…the one featured in these lovely pictures, is the smaller one that NO longer fits him (obviously)….so please don’t judge.  I try, i really try to make him presentable but he’s just become so dang hard headed…oh wait…that has been since birth…back up…he’s been so opinionated in the clothing department these days and it is about to drive me UP THE WALL!!!!!!  He’s not a girl so why in the heck does he care!  AHHHH!!!)

Okay…back to the reason for the post..

On our trip, Matt and I bought the boys a little people nativity for their “surprise”.  Trigger was excited about it…and I’m sure Campbell was on the inside…we just didn’t see it from his facial expressions.  haha!  After we opened it, I talked to Trigger about all the people and told him their names.  Well, apparently, he has NO respect for the nativity, Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, the wisemen, or the animals BECAUSE they were immediately catapulted into the air and across the room.  We had to have a little talk about how we don’t throw Jesus.  Hmmm…these are things that I never envisioned myself having to discuss.  Anyway, I left to go to the back for a few minutes and when I returned, I found this

Beginning November '10 1099 AND this

Beginning November '10 1096 Beginning November '10 1095 Sooo…apparently I was confused or maybe I read the Christmas story out of the wrong translation.  I’m pretty sure there was nothing in there about Jesus being born in the back of a red pickup truck…in fact, I don’t think Jesus EVER rode in a red pickup truck.  PERIOD!  AND, I don’t think the wisemen traveled from afar in John Deere tractors…pretty sure they didn’t haul a red hummer on the back of the tractor either. 

This boy…what are we going to do with him. 

Here are a few more shots of Trigger and Jesus.

Beginning November '10 1105 Oh and I do believe in the picture above, Trigger was saying, “uh-oh, He (meaning Jesus) fell out.”  Great, just great…not only is he hauling baby Jesus in the back of the truck but he’s making him fall out.  What do I even say to that?

Beginning November '10 1101 At some point, Trigger had to visit the corner…who knows what that was for…BUT, this gives you a good idea of how small his shirt is!

Beginning November '10 1106 And, I thought I’d throw this one in here too…he’s obsessed with changing his shoes.  And, here he is putting on his daddy’s tennis shoes.  I would like to add that his daddy was none too happy when he came home and his shoe laces were tightened all the way up.  Guess I should have stopped him instead of taking pictures. Ooops!

Beginning November '10 1108 Beginning November '10 1107 Merry Christmas!  And I hope you take care of your Jesus this season…and not catapult him across a room…OR SIT HIM ON A SHELF!

1 comment:

jessie said...

i laughed out loud at this post. baby jesus in the back of a red pick up truck...change baby jesus to a girl and you've got a great country song! haha!