Monday, November 29, 2010

Much needed VACATION

Well…Matt and I went to my dad’s condo in Orange Beach at the beginning of November.  To say that it was a much needed vacation is an UNDERSTATEMENT!  Matt and I don’t get to do much alone…like we have only seen ONE movie since Trigger was born (2.5 years ago) and only a handful of times have we gone out to eat without kids.  It’s sad, I know but it’s usually just easier to stay home.  Anyway, we left on a Thursday morning and came back home on Sunday.  Doesn’t seem like a long time but I have never gone for 24 hours without seeing Trigger OR Campbell.  Plus, I was going from nursing Campbell (or attempting to nurse him) to NOT being with him…It was HARD!!!  Matt and I had a GREAT time.  we didn’t do much relaxing at all. We shopped, shopped, shopped!!!  Matt and I both desperately needed clothes so we bought us some new clothes, the boys new clothes, and some Christmas presents…AND, we ate ALOT and we ATE IN PEACE!!!  It really was a nice way for us to connect with each other and actually have some adult conversation!

We took a few pictures while were there…most are pretty cheesy and sooo remind me of pictures we have from college years.  Mainly because I am wearing a denim jacket in one of them and it seemed like I always had a denim jacket on in college pics.

Matt and Garson- Beach Trip 710 This next one is us at McGuires.  It was a great place to go eat.  We had to drive a ways but it was worth it.  This is the place that has money hanging all over the ceiling.  It definitely has alot of character.

Matt and Garson- Beach Trip 713 Matt and Garson- Beach Trip 719 Matt and Garson- Beach Trip 722 It was so bright that it was hard to get a good picture with our eyes open!

And of course they are still working on the beaches and I had to take some pictures of the tractors for my sweet boy that is obsessed with them!

Matt and Garson- Beach Trip 715 Matt and Garson- Beach Trip 716 Maybe we will make this an annual trip because just doing this post, is making me wish for a little getaway!

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