Sunday, February 21, 2010

Snow Day

Last week we had an unusualy occurance here in Ruston. IT SNOWED...and snowed alot. Soooo...Friday morning, before Matt went to work, we got Trigger up and bundled him in several layers of clothes. AND..we took him out to play in the snow. Before he got all wet and dirty, we took a few pictures with him

Then, Matt put Trigger down in the snow. This was his response....

He did not like the snow on his boots...
So...I tried....hahaha...that was worse...surely his sweet mama wouldn't put him down in that yucky white stuff!

Here's our house and yard covered in snow...

More of my sweet little boy...

Towards the end, Trigger fell down.

When he got up, he was UPSET that he had snow on his mittens.