Friday, February 26, 2010


Last Sunday, Trigger was in a fairly good mood after we got home from church so I took some pictures of him. I have become very bad about taking candid pictures of Trigger...shame on ME! Anyway, there is nothing special to post. Since these are pictures after church, I will tell you a little bit about Trigger and church. He attends Sunday school with children around his age. Apparently, he is the most "active" child...I know this only because I have been told by MANY workers :)! It's always nice when your child is THE active one...and I'm NOT naive...I know what "active" means because I have used that word as a teacher to describe a child that is OUT OF CONTROL!!!! I think he has a good time while he is there; however, dropoff isn't so pleasant. He cries as soon as he sees the door. Poor baby...he's so sheltered. I mean I would cry too if for once a week I was left with what he considers strangers...the rest of the week he is with me, Matt, his Izzy, or his Grammy....YEP...SHELTERED. I think the middle part of Sunday School goes okay. He loves Mr. Dan (one of his teachers). I've heard that Trigger is his helper when he gets snacks. However, somewhere around the end of hour 2, Trigger breaks down...he just can't make it for that long without his family ESPECIALLY without a nap. Anyway, on to pictures!
I know Trigger looks like Matt...we get told that ALL the time. HOWEVER, check out those toes....they could not look more like his Uncle Seth...IDENTICAL!!!

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