Monday, February 22, 2010


This picture below sooo reminds me of Denis the Menice. The blonde hair...not to mention he has the perfect sprout sticking up...AND he's in the corner. Matt and I are working on being a little more consistent with our discipline. Trigger is now familiar with THE corner. We started out by standing behind him because he wouldn't stay but now he will pretty much stay there by himself. He ONLY cried the first two times he had to stand there...doesn't care now. He thinks it's boring though because he lays his head on the wall and puts his hands up on each side of the wall and taps his fingers like, "haha, Mom. This is boring and i'm not gonna let you get to me"....which makes me want to yell, "ahhhhh...what am i going to do with this independent, stubborn child?" and he's only 19 months.

I have a feeling we have a loooonnnngggg road ahead of us...

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