Saturday, February 20, 2010

Udder Covers

Hey, expectant mommas! I just found THE best deal!!!! (Matt says that I say that often....haha) Seriously though...this is a good deal. If you are planning to nurse or pump, you will NEED one of these. I got a nursing cover after Trigger was born and used it everytime I pumped at school, in the car, or just around other people. I had already decided that I was going to need to buy another one because mine was so used. Well...tonight I was reading a blog and this girl posted something about this promo code. I really thought that I had probably missed the exp date but I DID NOT! pays to read blogs, Matthew!!!! Anyway, if you are interested, you can go to Choose which cover you would like and enter the promo code: cranberry2 when checking out. The covers are $32 and shipping is $10. The code gives you a discount of the cost of the cover...therefore, you only have to pay the shipping....I THOUGHT THAT WAS AWESOME!!!! They would also be great gifts too....hmmm...
Here's the cover I ordered.
VERY CUTE...hope someone gets to take advantage of this deal~

1 comment:

auDi tHis woRld said...

I bought one of these for a friend of mine with the promo while back. It's a great deal and a great cover, isn't it?!!