Wednesday, May 6, 2009

THE red blanky!

The other day (same day that he climbed on the dishwasher) I put Trigger down on the floor in the den. He had his blanky in hand and paci in mouth (of course). I went to the kitchen and looked over the bar to see what he was doing. He was crawling around while holding onto his red blanky.....I thought it was sweet...AT THE SAME TIME, I am seeing into the future. I can just see me now...after the Pre-K parent meeting where you are told to drop your child off in the carline...even if they are crying..they will be fine! We've given that speech a million times!!! After that speech, I will have to raise my hand to ask, "Miss Dance, UMMMMM, can Trigger bring his red blanky. He really can't sleep without it!" AND...she BETTER say "NO, we do not allow blankys, toys, stuffed animals, etc."...I'm just saying that I already know that I have created a HUGE monster that I will have to undo later. Right now, though, it is SOOO dang cute!
Here are the pictures of him carrying his red blanky around...we've got to think of a creative name for it. Mine was "B"....not so creative. I did see on a tv show that a little boy called his "old friend"...I thought that was hillarious!

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