Tuesday, May 12, 2009

quick post

So far it has been a wonderful week. It's teacher appreciation week at Cedar Creek. My AWESOME parents have showered me with one thing after another. Yesterday, each of the students brought a flower to put in a vase on my desk. Then, two moms came at lunch and kept my class for the rest of the day. I got to go pick up Trigger and we went to eat lunch with Matt. It was so nice to spend the afternoon with Trigger (even if he was NOT in a good mood most of the afternoon). This morning when I arrived at school, I had a surprise on my door and notes/drawings from my children. I will have to see if I can take pictures tomorrow and post them. Each child traced their hands (or actually Dana and Melody traced their hands) and cut them out. They wrote their name and told what they liked about Mrs. Woodard....they were such sweet comments!!!! And, each teacher got a casserole to take home today. We had ziti and it was yummy. I think next year (at the beginnning of the year) I need to have a sign-up sheet for my parents: Take-out Tuesdays. They can sign up to bring me a casserole or supper from somewhere. HAHA...I'm really joking! It was nice to have supper taken care of though. Anyway, I'll keep you posted on what else happens this week! It's been awesome so far though...I have GREAT parents!!!!!!

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