Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day

I had to post a few pics from Trigger's first Memorial day. I had to work because for some reason Cedar Creek does not observe the holiday...CRAZY, I know! Matt was off so he kept Trigger. They had a good day together and even made a trip to town to bring me some lunch (Wendy's Dollar Menu....YUMMY)! Here are some pics of Trigger in his Memorial Day outfit. I hope you took a minute to say thank you to those men and women that serve our country!!!

Speaking of the dollar menu reminded me to tell you about my GREAT find! If you go to Sonic and like their chicken, I have a great cheap solution for you! I used to always get the kids chicken. And, the prices kept going up and up! They have now come out with a dollar menu. I order the dollar menu chicken sandwich PLAIN and a dollar menu fry...TWO DOLLARS TOTAL! and I just take the chicken out and eat it plain and my fries...GUESS have the kids chicken meal for only 2 dollars! I feel like I am cheating them out of their money everytime!

1 comment:

auDi tHis woRld said...

Daniel is a big fan of DOLLAR MENUS too! :-)