Friday, May 8, 2009

Living Room

I thought I would participate in Kelly's Show us where you live Friday: Living Room/Den. Last week, I posted pictures of our kitchen. You have to realize that these posts are GREAT motivation for me to clean up our house! :) However, today, Mrs. Arva came to clean so our house was spic-n-span when I got home from school. She is AMAZING! I always feel sorry for her because our house is such a wreck when she arrives. Anyway, here are some pictures of my den. I do have to say that I have a REAL problem hanging things on the you will see. I keep telling Matt that I am just not sure. We have lived in this house for almost three years so I am not having thinking it's going to happen any time soon.
This picture is taking from the foyer.

This is my chair (left) and Matt's recliner (right). I did NOT want a recliner in my house...just don't like them but Matt had to have one. Compromise?!?!! I love the arch in the fireplace.

And, our TV and couch. I would really like a new couch but it's not priority right now! Plus, I figure we should wait until after we are past baby mode!

These are our built-ins in our den. I love them!

I did have serving pieces and extra dinnerware stored in the cabinets but my parents gave me a china cabinet for Christmas so I got to move all of it. Now, I store tubs (some are missing) of Trigger's toys and games.

One of my favorite things on the built-ins is my photo albums. These are the "Trigger collection"....ummmmm...he's only 9 months old and he has how many albums of pictures? And, one is missing

I LOVE our fan/light in this room. The light shines up on the ceiling to provide indirect lighting. It gives the room a warm and cozy feeling.

One more thing...I said to Matt (before children) that we would not have toys kept in our den. Hahahahaha...I bet alot of you are laughing right now!!!! Well, Trigger got this great canvas tote from Pottery Barn and we store his toys in that. If we've got to have them in the den, it least they are stored in a cute container!

And, had to include one of Trigger!

Hope you enjoyed our tour.


 The Morris Family said...

The last picture is better than any of them!!!:)He is so sweet! Looks nice and cozy!!

StephMilton said...

Love your house Garson! So clean for having a 9 month old....don't look at mine ;)! Do you know what color paint that is in the living room?? I'm trying to pick a color right now and can't find exactly what I'm looking for....I've gotten 5 different samples and none are just right...I like your color!