And, the view out the back of the house.

Anyway, Matt and his friends, armed with pistols and other guns (you can tell I know alot about guns..haha), left extremely early with FOUR four-wheelers on a really long trailer. They had a good time and killed many snakes!!! I must say poor Matthew was COVERED in mud from two of his "friends". He spent forever digging mud out of his ear...yuck! Thanks, Gabe and Chad.

Then, Saturday night, Matt had a fish fry with the CORPS men! Trigger has another ear infection sooo...it's been a LONG weekend. Saturday morning, Trigger was sooo happy. We went to the children's shoppe and walmart. He charmed everyone! Then, we get home and I put him down for an afternoon nap. He woke up after 30 minutes SCREAMING. He usually sleeps at least an hour in the afternoon. I gave him some tylenol and he finally took a nap around 3:30 and slept for 2 hours and 15 minutes...WOW!!!! I'm wondering if he's teething again. I keep thinking that it's impossible for him to already be getting his molars but he's chewing up a storm and he's cut all his other teeth early. I guess time will tell! These are some pics from Saturday. He loves chewing on the mylicon bottle...another reason I think he's teething again! It was making him happy so I let him do it.
And, here is him watching the Wonder Pets. It doesn't matter where he is or what he's doing, when Trigger hears the phone ringing, he high tails it to see the TV. Can't you hear it, "The phone, the phone is ringing...there's an animal in trouble somewhere...Wonder pets, wonder pets, we're on our way..." I'll stop there and you can sing the rest!
Last pictures, Trigger was eating puffs and one stuck to his face...I thought it was funny. This was when he was still in a good mood so I took several pictures.
One more thing, Trigger has now gone from 5 bottles a day to 3 bottles and 1 sippy cup a day. I changed his schedule yesterday and it worked great!