Thursday, March 13, 2008

Our Dr. Visit

Well...we went to the doctor this morning. And, let me just say, I LOVE DR. HARPER! He's the best OBGYN!!!! Anyway, we listened to the heartbeat and he measured my stomach. That was it!! He did tell me to come back in two weeks for another check of the heartbeat and stomach measuring. He is being very cautious and going ahead and seeing me every two weeks which makes me feel good. But, the big news is he already ordered THE ultrasound for two weeks. This is the VERY important ultrasound that will tell us if we will be seeing blue or pink!!!! We left Dr. Harper and went straight down to Xray to make our ultrasound appointment. We scheduled it for March 28th. That's the BIG day!! I can't wait to find out the is driving me CRAZY!!!! And, no, I have NO clue...not even a hunch of what we are having! Matt says we are having a girl and he is usually right sooooo we will see!

1 comment:

Sallye Corbell said...

OK Garson I voted. I think you guys will be seeing pink. I am so happy things are going so well for "team Wodard" BOY OR GIRL what a blessing!!!