Saturday, March 29, 2008

Drum roll, please.....

We are having a BOY!!!!!!!! I know...I was surprised. I guess my feeling was wrong. We are going to have a precious boy, and we are very excited. It will be the first boy grandchild (and great grandchild) on my side of the family. We had alot of fun telling my parents and matt's parents last night. I had made two sets of burp cloths: two for girls and two for boys. Yesterday, after the ultrasound, I wrapped up the boy burp cloths for our parents. I will post a picture of them opening them. I know your next question, "Have you thought about names?" Yes, we have a name and I will explain the meaning behind it. We are going to name our little boy....
Trigger Woodard. I know it is a different name, but it is a family name. My mom's name was Trigger so of course that is a very special name for me. We are still working on the middle name. He will be called Trigger!

I was going to post some ultrasound pictures from yesterday, but the scanner is NOT cooperating. I will post the pictures of our parents last night. My dad was acting surprised in their picture even though he says that he was not surprised at all....he knew it would be a boy.


Anonymous said...

What a great surprise to be wrong! I was glad that you were surprised. It makes for a great story. Corbin needed a boy in the family. I love that you are using your mom's name. He will definitely be the leader on the first day of school! I'll go ahead and write his name down. HAHA

Mary Storms said...
