Monday, March 10, 2008

Feeling Better....

Well. Everyone I come in contact with lately wants to know...."How are you feeling?" I thought I should let you know that I am feeling better and better everyday. I was getting sick at night but not so much anymore. I still feel completely exhausted at the end of the might have something to do with the 19 little ones that I teach all day!!! :) I have gotten into a habit of going to bed around 8:30/9:00. I figure I might as well get plenty of sleep while I can!
Matt has handled me with such love and care. I couldn't have a better husband!!! He is so patient even when I constantly say, "Nope, that doesn't sound good...Nope, I don't want to eat that either." Eating at night is such an issue. Nothing sounds good! I'm sure that this too will pass.
Matt has been pretty bogged down at work but he still makes sure that he comes home at a decent hour! I really don't know how he gets up so early and keeps going all day. I am so proud of him!!

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