Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I thought I should catch you up!

This is our second ultrasound picture. I did not post our first ultrasound because it was just a picture of the sac. In the picture above you can see the baby which is the longer object. The circle object on bottom right is the yolk sac. We are 7 weeks and 3 days in this ultrasound!

Above is our third ultrasound. We are 9 weeks and 3 days! It was amazing that Baby Woodard kept measuring exactly on schedule!!! At this ultrasound, the doctor looked for blood clots and hemorrhaging and said everything looked GREAT!!

This was our last ultrasound with our specialists. We were 11 weeks and 4 days! The baby was RUNNING on the screen. We are thinking he/she will probably be athletic. Haha!! We are so thankful to have made it this far!!! We have been released to our regular OBGYN!

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