Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Drugs are a PAIN!

Ok...so most of you know that because of my condition I am taking shots of Heparin twice a day throughout the pregnancy. It is critically important that I continue this medication! Matt gives me the shots and he is very gentle with me because you know that I am NOT a good patient especially when it comes to shots. In my defense, I have to get the shots in my stomach and they can be pretty painful!! I am VERY thankful that there is medication so that we can have a child. 15-20 years ago I might not have been so lucky!
Well...Matt called on Monday to get a refill of the Heparin. We usually have to get it shipped from a pharmacy in Shreveport because pharmacies in Ruston do not stock the medication. The pharmacists told Matt that the dose of Heparin that I take had been put on HOLD because of recalls. Matt frantically called around and even called a few manufacturers. He has two orders placed as of right now but we aren't sure when they will come in. I have enough medication to last until next Tuesday. We are a little aggravated by the situation, but I am sure that it will resolve itself in time. We are very lucky to have three RNs that have helped us out a great deal...Thanks, Aunt Teresa, Susan, and Michelle.
Dr. Harper is in the process of possibly switching my medication all together which makes me a little nervous. He assures us that he will take care of us no matter what and he will not let us go without medication.
By the way, I really am not stressed about the situation. Matt, Susan, and many other friends/family are concerned that I am stressed or getting worked up over this. I really know that everything is going to be fine.
I do have to say that Matt is the BEST husband. He has been making phone calls trying to get everything worked out so that I don't have to worry about it! THANK YOU, Matthew!

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