Friday, March 28, 2008

Shhhhh....It's a SECRET!!!

We had THE ultrasound today and everything looked good. The ultrasound tech did a great job, and she told us everything measured on time and all the organs were in place. The big secret is that Matt and I know what we are having (the baby's sex). BUT, we are not telling until tonight. I wanted to tell my parents when they're together and not just over the phone. We will go visit my parents at 5:00ish, and Matt's parents are meeting us at our house at 6:00. It is KILLING me not being able to tell. We are very excited. We really just wanted to see a healthy baby on the screen. I have to admit that I was a little nervous since we have not had an official ultrasound in over 7 weeks. It was definitely an added bonus to find out the sex!!! I hope you all have a GREAT day, and I am sure that we will be talking to alot of you tonight. If I don't get a chance to call you, please check the blog tomorrow. I will reveal the secret on the blog and add some ultrasound pictures!!! YAY!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that is suspense! I was looking forward to checking in on you today! I'll check back! I'm glad everything looked good & the baby is healthy! Love, Emery