Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Weekend

I hope everyone had a good Easter. We had a great weekend. On Saturday, I went to our anual Uncle Sydney's (family) picnic. If you saw me this weekend, you know that I got burnt very badly at the picnic but it was good to see family members that I haven't seen in a long time. On Saturday night, Matt and I went to Mamaw and Papaw's house for supper. We had fun watching Abby, Meredith, and Sydney! Next Easter will be a little more busy with our baby AND Jenny's baby. My cousin, Jenny, called me Thursday night to tell me that she is expecting her second child on October 1st. WOW....our family is growing FAST!

On Easter, Matt and I got up and went to Sunday School and Church. Afterwards, we went to Matt's parents house to eat lunch. We had a great time. While we were eating, Anna Grace kept nodding off while eating her lunch. I gladly volunteered to hold her while she took her nap. There is nothing more peaceful than watching a baby sleep. We left Matt's parents and went straight to the hospital BECAUSE Michelle wanted to take another look at the baby on the ultrasound machine. She is determined to figure out the sex of the baby. Susan also met us up there to take a look. Well....we still don't know what we are having which is okay. I was just very thankful to see the baby's heartbeat and that the baby was moving. Matt and I left the hospital and went home to eat supper and watch Enchanted. Matt is such a sport to watch such a girly movie.

I do have to say...I really am thinking the baby might be a girl! I don't know why but holding Anna Grace and watching Enchanted just made me feel like it might be a girl! We will see on Friday!!!

It was a busy weekend!


Mary Storms said...

So glad you got the medicine worked out. I was going to text you today to see if you had it-but I decided to check your blog instead (aren't you proud)! I know you are so thankful to have wise friends like Michelle who are correctly predicting that you are having a boy. Friends like that are rare-keep them! M-J

auDi tHis woRld said...

you'll know tomorrow!??!?! :-)