Tuesday, March 11, 2008

BOY or GIRL?????????

Another question I am continually asked..."are you going to find out?" YES....we will find out the sex of our baby. I am too much of a planner to wait until birth. Those of you that know me, you know that I can NOT handle secrets or surprises!!! We should go for our ultrasound in two weeks to find out if we will be blessed with a boy or a girl. Please see our poll at the bottom of the post. We want to know what you think so please vote!


auDi tHis woRld said...

of course the baby will be a girl - who in our family has boys?!!?! :-) congrats! we're so excited for you!!!

emandericwilkerson said...

hey! Thanks for emailing me your blog! I voted GIRL! Looks like most everybody else did, too!! Still praying for ya'll! Em & Eric