Monday, August 26, 2013

Trigger’s Party (for real)

Im not going to lie.  I BEGGED and PLEADED with Trigger to have his party anywhere but at our house.  I did NOT want to clean my house again.  He agreed to have his party at The Journey Place at church.  I was thrilled. I felt kind of guilty because I didn’t put much effort into this party…well, I did but then it didn’t happen and I just didn’t have it in me after that. 

Here is trigger with his cake topper from the week before…that I froze and then unfroze.  ha!IMG_5335Trigger and sam…triggers best friend.IMG_5336IMG_5338IMG_5341I forgot to call super one to order a cake…so I had to make cupcakes the day before.  they didn’t look pretty but let me tell you, YUM!  They were wedding cake cupcakes.  And, we were supposed to have ice cream  but someone (I won’t name any names…but it wasn’t me.) forgot to put it in the ice chest. IMG_5344Sweet, ACTIVE boys.  Campbell, John Parker, Sam, Trigger, and Tucker.  It was funny because the four boys on the right are all at cc prek this year and know each other…I was taking a picture of them…and Campbell looked at them and then looked at me and just kind of side stepped into the picture…john parker just went along with it.  lol!IMG_5368Chelsea and CampbellIMG_5370Uncle Will and Aunt Karen got Trigger a skateboard.  Trigger loves it.  He couldn’t wait to get home to try it out.  If he breaks something, I am sending him to their house for the recovery!IMG_5373

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