Sunday, August 25, 2013


After the peach festival parade was over, we ran to get larkin a pair of cowboy boots.  I don’t think that’s actually what we went into pattons for but that’s what we came out with!  Precious little girl needed herself some boots. 

We also decided to go to the rodeo this year.  I will not going to a whole spill about it because time has passed and im over it.  but, I will say that I am not sure if we will go back next year.  it was MISERABLY hot and VERY SLOW!  IMG_2470IMG_2498IMG_2506Of course our friends, the Hogans, met us there.  IMG_2514

Out of the three, Campbell was the most content to watch. Trigger kept asking when we were going to go home and go to bed.  Larkin kept trying to strip off clothes because she was so hot….her whole head was wet from sweat. 

We can check that off…we have done the parade!

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