Sunday, August 25, 2013

our kids

I took the kids to take some pictures at some point during July.  It was a total fail because I have this precious little girl that absolutely refuses to take pcitures…she hates when someone tries to touch her (put their arm around her, hold her hand, etc.) and she runs like shes never been outside…which isn’t true because she is outside daily!IMG_4758IMG_4760My boys did cooperate.  I LOVE this expression on Campbell’s face…and no, I did not tell him to look at Trigger.  He just adores his big brother.IMG_4762IMG_4779 copyIMG_4780IMG_4795Trigger loves picking up his little sister.  she isn’t overly fond of it though.  Occasionally she will go along with it and it makes trigger so happy!IMG_4801IMG_4805IMG_4807And, whats a photo shoot without a little crying.  I mean…doesnt everyone have crying children while taking pictures…and check out that guilty little boy in the background.  :)IMG_4808I love this picture of larkin!  IMG_4813

That photo shoot lasted about five minutes and then we had to go…it was HOTT!

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