Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Let’s Go Astros

My parents invited us (in April) to go to some Astros games with them.  We decided to go…it’s always a challenge to go anywhere with two little children.  Campbell sleeps in a pack and play and this is the first time that we have traveled since Trigger has been sleeping in a bed.  Our last trip was when Campbell was about 7 weeks old and he slept with us and Trigger slept in the pack and play.  This was quite a different experience from the last time.  We were all in one room.  Trigger was on a pull out couch.  Campbell was in a pack and play with the big pvc divider so that he couldn’t see us or Trigger.  Let’s just say that the sleeping situation was NOT ideal.  We got very little sleep…and naps did not really happen either.  BUT, we had a great time. 

My parents have new seats.  They are in the club section.  It’s pretty awesome because they are like movie seats so they are way more comfortable.  AND, my favorite part was that they have buffets of food.  You don’t go to the concession stand.  Instead, you just walk up a few steps and get what you want, when you want it.  OR, you can ask your waiter to get something for you. 

Here is Matt and Trigger in our seats.Houston Astros- April '11 001Campbell and Liz.  Do you see the little bar/table that Campbell is leaning on?  That is where you can put your drinks and plates while eating.Houston Astros- April '11 002Here is the view…it’s right behind home plate.Houston Astros- April '11 003Houston Astros- April '11 009Houston Astros- April '11 011I love this picture of Zizzy and Poppy with Trigger and Campbell.  Im not sure if you can tell but there really aren’t many seats in this section.  There are three rows with about four little sections so it’s nice and calm.Houston Astros- April '11 017Friday morning we left to go the Houston Zoo.  I wasn’t even aware that they had one but it was GREAT!  It wasn’t too hot yet so that was nice and almost the entire place is covered with beautiful HUGE trees so it’s shady for most of it.  I must say that my initial thought was that it was perfect that we weren’t going on Saturday…WRONG!  It was April and a Friday….I think every Houston school was there on a field trip.   It was still nice though!Houston Astros- April '11 018I thought this was funny…Liz and Matt were trying to map out a plan…I, of course, was taking pictures and just wanting to get going…and my dad is entertaining the boys!Houston Astros- April '11 020I love Trigger’s shocked face when he saw the alligator.Houston Astros- April '11 023And he still has the shocked face!Houston Astros- April '11 024Houston Astros- April '11 031An old turtle.Houston Astros- April '11 035Houston Astros- April '11 042I love this picture of Daddy and Trigger!Houston Astros- April '11 051Houston Astros- April '11 053Houston Astros- April '11 057Houston Astros- April '11 065Ummm…yep!  Trigger is wailing.  We bought tickets to ride the carousel.  Trigger was petrified and refused to ride.  Matt had to get him off before it even started.  You NEVER know with Trigger!Houston Astros- April '11 068He did LOVE the petting zoo part.  They gave the kids brushes and let them brush the goats hair.Houston Astros- April '11 070Houston Astros- April '11 076Houston Astros- April '11 085Houston Astros- April '11 088Houston Astros- April '11 095Houston Astros- April '11 098Houston Astros- April '11 109Houston Astros- April '11 114Campbell had HAD it!!!!  We headed back to eat lunch and take a NAP!!!Houston Astros- April '11 124Our family picture with Nolan!Houston Astros- April '11 127Houston Astros- April '11 130Okay…and the IMPORTANT part (haha)…the food at the game.Houston Astros- April '11 131Houston Astros- April '11 132Hot dogs with all kinds of toppingsHouston Astros- April '11 134Nachos with lots of toppins…this is my favorite…Houston Astros- April '11 135Sliders…YUMMYHouston Astros- April '11 136Peanuts, popcorn, snack mixes.Houston Astros- April '11 139Another view from the other side of the club section.Houston Astros- April '11 141DessertsHouston Astros- April '11 142Campbell Trying a dessert…not sure if he liked the raspberries.Houston Astros- April '11 143Campbell was exhausted because I don’t think he took a nap any of the days that we were there.Houston Astros- April '11 151When you at the ballgames, you get to start out supper with a COOKIE!Houston Astros- April '11 145Trigger LOVED Junction Jack.Houston Astros- April '11 154Houston Astros- April '11 159On the way home, we had to get REALLY, REALLY creative to entertain the troops!  Musical instruments, singing, movies, etc.Houston Astros- April '11 164Houston Astros- April '11 169

It was a great time!!! and I can’t wait to go back in September with whole entire family!!!

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