Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Last day of MDO

I believe the last day of MDO was May 12th.  In a way, I was sad that it was over because I enjoyed having my one-on-one time with Campbell and a chance to go grocery shopping/run errands with only one instead of two children.  However, it is nice that we don’t have to mess of Campbell’s naps every Tuesday and Thursday. 

We have enjoyed MDO this year.  It has been good for Trigger to be around other children and it’s really improved his speech.  Next year, Trigger won’t be at Temple MDO…instead, we are going to send him to Trinity’s Preschool program.  We are hoping he has Mrs. Lisa (who happens to be Matt’s partner’s wife).  I had several children that had Mrs. Lisa (and Mrs. Tori) and all were VERY prepared for the Cedar Creek Pre-K program so we feel this move is the best at this time.  Plus, the early drop off is a little earlier so Matt will be able to take him.  Here are a few pictures of Trigger on his last day of his FIRST year of “school”.Trigger's Last day of MDO 020Trigger's Last day of MDO 024Trigger's Last day of MDO 029Mrs. Linda (T’s teacher) and TriggerTrigger's Last day of MDO 030

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