Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Campbell’s 1st Birthday AT THE BEACH!

Like I said on the last post, we decided to spend Campbell’s birthday at the beach.  We started the morning by taking a picture of him.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 292Trigger wanted in on it and thought he’d start the morning off with a little headlock.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 293Waiting on his birthday breakfast…does he look thrilled, or what?Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 297Then, Campbell saw the candle and he got pretty excited.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 302Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 304We let him open a present that morning….Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 316And, guess what he got…WOODY.  Maybe now, Trigger and Campbell won’t fight over Trigger’s as much.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 321Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 326The boys with their Woody’s and notice that Campbell is giving his a hug.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 336Out to the beach we went.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 397Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 412Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 448Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 468Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 471 copyBeach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 500Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 515Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 545Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 556Then, we went out to eat at MY FAVORITE PLACE, Louisiana Lagniappe…I didn’t realize this when we planned on going there but we spent Trigger’s first birthday supper there too.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 576Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 577AND, here it is, my favorite picture of the trip…Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 589No, Campbell does  not have a dress on…it’s a bubble.  I love that outfit!!!Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 619Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 644And, again, Campbell was not thrilled with taking pictures.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 674A sweet lady offered to take our picture.  She did a great job…she was obviously a mom because she took several up and down and across.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 678Our footprints in the sand.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 684Trigger really just couldn’t be still any longer.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 691Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 729 copyBeach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 730 copyThen, we went back up to the condo for a little cake.  This was Trigger’s birthday hat that Chasten bought for him. :)Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 735Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 740Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 743And, he opened another gift…Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 779His own real dustbuster…there is a story behind that…he LOVES…and I mean LOVES..mine.  He makes a beeline to it when I turn it on and pretty much waits until you are finished so he can have a turn.  Sooo…I thought it would be a good gift for him but I wasn’t about to buy him our expensive one…well…he doesn’t like his cheap one…he still prefers mine.  The funny thing is that his cheap one actually works better than mine!  haha!Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 781

Campbell had a great first birthday.  I will do an official one year post after we go to the doctor this week.

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