Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Easter at Mamaws

Saturday night we went to Mamaw’s to have our annual Easter egg hunt with the Hood cousins.  Oh yeah…and the outfit that Campbell has on:  I made that for Trigger on his first Easter…it was my first attempt at sewing clothes so the shorts are pretty pathetic but Campbell wore them anyway…and I made Trigger a matching shirt.Easter 2011- Swimming, Mamaws, and giving away pacis 089Easter 2011- Swimming, Mamaws, and giving away pacis 095Easter 2011- Swimming, Mamaws, and giving away pacis 103Easter 2011- Swimming, Mamaws, and giving away pacis 107Easter 2011- Swimming, Mamaws, and giving away pacis 111Vanna, Seth, and Reid.Easter 2011- Swimming, Mamaws, and giving away pacis 121Zizzy and the boys.Easter 2011- Swimming, Mamaws, and giving away pacis 135My family of four.Easter 2011- Swimming, Mamaws, and giving away pacis 140All of the Hood cousins: (from top to bottom;left to right) Meredith, Abby, Brannon, Josiah, Reid, Sydney, Trigger, Campbell, Caroline, and Andrew.Easter 2011- Swimming, Mamaws, and giving away pacis 148Mamaw joined the picture.Easter 2011- Swimming, Mamaws, and giving away pacis 170Me and DeannaEaster 2011- Swimming, Mamaws, and giving away pacis 177Campbell and MattEaster 2011- Swimming, Mamaws, and giving away pacis 181

After the egg hunt, we enjoyed a yunmy supper at Port-au-prince.  We have always gone there for our Hood family meals and I love that tradition!

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