Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Easter Morning

Trigger had a great first night without his paci.  It took him just a little bit to go to sleep and then he was out for the night. 

On Easter morning, we got up and ran to see what the Easter had brought.Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 029Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 032Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 034Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 030Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 040Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 041Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 043Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 047Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 050Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 054Then, we headed outside to find the Easter eggs that the Easter bunny had hidden.Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 056Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 061We attempted some family pictures before church.  Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 068Trigger refused…then threw a fit…then cried…Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 069Then wanted attention…whew…the life of a 2 year old…it must be tough to be him.Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 070Daddy and his boys.Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 079Trigger and CampbellEaster 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 084Our family after church at the Woodards.Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 108Easter 2011- Easter Morning and Woodards 115

We had nursery duty on Easter Sunday so that was interesting and a little strange to not be in the service.  But, it was good Easter!

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