Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Campbell’s First Birthday Party- Milk and Cookies Decorations

I can’t believe that I have gotten  caught up and am actually posting about Campbell’s birthday.  I’m going to start by showing the decorations.  Then, I post picture from the actual party.  I knew a long time ago that I wanted to do a milk and cookies party.  I really could’ve/should’ve done a “cupcake” them like I did for Trigger because I could’ve used all those decorations that I have somewhere.  But, NOOOO, I couldn’t do something easy like that…Nope, not me!  I have to make things difficult on myself.  I was determined to do just as much stuff for Campbell’s party as I did for Trigger’s first birthday.  I didn’t want it to be an “awwww….he’s the second child” kind-of party.  I tried to keep it low key…my husband would COMPLETELY disagree with me on that one…but, he didn’t see my grand plans that I had in the beginning…I cut a ton of stuff out to make it easier on myself. 

Okay…let’s get started.  This is our breakfast area.  I decorated our light fixture with pom-pons and mesh.  Of course since it was a milk and cookies party, we used the colors of brown, tan, cream, and white.Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 050Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 052These are our favors.  I made cookies in a jar for each family.  Since we just invite family right now, I like doing a family gift so everyone gets to take something home.Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 053The favor tags were tiny brown sacks.Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 054This was inside the sack: Directions for making the cookies and a picture of Campbell.Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 055The one year banner.  I couldn’t just choose one from each month so I just chose my favorite pictures throughout the year.Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 056This is our dining room.  I also decorated this light fixture with pom-pons and mesh.Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 057Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 058The napkins…yes, I did stamp every single napkin with a “c”.  Another little detail that just brings it all together…also one more thing that caused Matt to roll his eyes! ;)Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 060I was suppose to go to this wholesale florist in Monroe on Friday afternoon but didn’t get there in time…I improvised with these that I found at Hobby Lobby…it actually turned out great bc they match the colors.Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 062The dessert table.  Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 064I had white milk and “cow juice” (that’s what Trigger calls choc milk) to serve with the cake and ice cream.Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 065We also had fun red and white straws for the milk.  And, check out that tin.  Isn’t it awesome?  It went perfectly with our theme!Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 066I had to put a picture of our flower beds.  Matt replanted them Friday because all of our other flowers had died!  Excuse our big dirt pit in the front yard…Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 068The front door…more pom-pons, more mesh, and a few milk jars.Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 070Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 071Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 074And, we had to have a “happy birthday” banner.  I used the pictures that I took of Campbell eating his first cookie.Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 076Sorry…I couldn’t resist adding this picture of my oh so handsome helper.Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 083Here is a picture of the food table with all the food.  We had chicken salad sandwiches, Mrs. Haworth’s cucumber sandwiches, bunco buns (ham and swiss), peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, spinach dip, texas caviar, and grapes.   I had labels for all of the food and my family made fun of me.  :(  They just don’t understand that it looks cute! HA!Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 084

Campbell’s Birthday Invitations

Because (in my husband’s words) I like to make things difficult, I made my own invitations…I really couldn’t find what I wanted on the internet so I just came up with this.  The invitation is actually attached to the cookie jar.Trigger- Tractor Bday Pictures 034

If you just slide the “C”, you could read the actual invite…Trigger- Tractor Bday Pictures 037Slide the invite, and you could see a picture of the birthday boy!Trigger- Tractor Bday Pictures 040And, the cookie jar was filled with chocolate chip teddy grahams.Trigger- Tractor Bday Pictures 043

I thought they turned out cute…at least it turned out the way I wanted!!!!

Swimming Lessons

Whew, I’m getting caught up!  This past week, Trigger had swimming lessons.  Mrs. Carla Colvin was his teacher.  I thought she would be perfect because she is firm and Trigger usually needs that.  I had no idea what to expect with Trigger.  Liz took him on the first day.  She didn’t stay and Mrs. Colvin actually got him out of the car.  Liz said she was worried about the rushed transition but he did great.  No crying!  When Liz picked him up, Mrs. Colvin said he did great and that she did not see what Matt and I had been talking about (his difficult behavior) because he was wonderful for her. Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 035Day two: I took him and dropped him off….Of course, he cried but got over it quickly.  That was the only day that he cried.  I’m not saying that he woke up wanting to go to swimming lessons…NOPE, actually, he would tell me every morning that he was NOT going.  He did soooo good while he was there.  Wednesday-Friday, I let Trigger bring Woody to sit on the table to watch.  It was kind of funny but Trigger liked it. Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 041After each lesson, Mrs. Colvin gave him a popsicle.  EVERY single day, he chose ORANGE…shocker, I know!Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 042On Friday, I stayed to watch the whole time and he did GREAT!  I was fully prepared for a meltdown and to have to leave but I didn’t have to.  He jumped off the diving board 4 or 5 times without hesitation….he floated (which Mrs. Colvin said was great for his age)…he even swam under water, kicking to Mrs. Colvin…AND, he is a professional bubble blower!  I was soooo pleased with the week and so was Mrs. Colvin.  Campbell's First Birthday Party and T's Swimming Lessons 046

I can’t wait for him to take next year!!!  I always LOVED swimming lessons and I think I took every year until I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade because I wanted to take them.  So, I hope Trigger enjoys swimming just as much as I did!

Aunt Deanna

The boys did good coming home too…I was so proud of thme for traveling so good.  When we got home, we quickly started unpacking and Aunt Deanna came over to see Campbell and give him his gifts. Trigger helped open them.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 783Me and Deanna with my boys.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 805And Trigger with Deanna’s sunglasses.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 808

Deanna also gave me these awesome red glasses. I absolutely LOVE them!!!

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Campbell’s 1st Birthday AT THE BEACH!

Like I said on the last post, we decided to spend Campbell’s birthday at the beach.  We started the morning by taking a picture of him.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 292Trigger wanted in on it and thought he’d start the morning off with a little headlock.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 293Waiting on his birthday breakfast…does he look thrilled, or what?Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 297Then, Campbell saw the candle and he got pretty excited.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 302Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 304We let him open a present that morning….Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 316And, guess what he got…WOODY.  Maybe now, Trigger and Campbell won’t fight over Trigger’s as much.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 321Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 326The boys with their Woody’s and notice that Campbell is giving his a hug.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 336Out to the beach we went.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 397Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 412Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 448Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 468Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 471 copyBeach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 500Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 515Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 545Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 556Then, we went out to eat at MY FAVORITE PLACE, Louisiana Lagniappe…I didn’t realize this when we planned on going there but we spent Trigger’s first birthday supper there too.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 576Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 577AND, here it is, my favorite picture of the trip…Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 589No, Campbell does  not have a dress on…it’s a bubble.  I love that outfit!!!Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 619Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 644And, again, Campbell was not thrilled with taking pictures.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 674A sweet lady offered to take our picture.  She did a great job…she was obviously a mom because she took several up and down and across.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 678Our footprints in the sand.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 684Trigger really just couldn’t be still any longer.Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 691Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 729 copyBeach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 730 copyThen, we went back up to the condo for a little cake.  This was Trigger’s birthday hat that Chasten bought for him. :)Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 735Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 740Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 743And, he opened another gift…Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 779His own real dustbuster…there is a story behind that…he LOVES…and I mean LOVES..mine.  He makes a beeline to it when I turn it on and pretty much waits until you are finished so he can have a turn.  Sooo…I thought it would be a good gift for him but I wasn’t about to buy him our expensive one…well…he doesn’t like his cheap one…he still prefers mine.  The funny thing is that his cheap one actually works better than mine!  haha!Beach 2011 and Campbell's real birthday 781

Campbell had a great first birthday.  I will do an official one year post after we go to the doctor this week.