We started back to school today. Whew...I am tired! It's been a long day. The children were very well behaved, but VERY talkative. They were just excited to see their friends and they HAD to talk! So...now I am laying on the couch searching the internet for nursery decorations. By the way, we ordered our baby furniture (crib, dresser, armoire, chair and ottoman) on Saturday. The big decision now is baby bedding. I think I almost have it figured out!!! My goal is to have the nursery finished by the time I get out of school in case I am put on bed rest.
Trigger received his first gift this weekend. Corbin, our nephew, is very excited about having a boy in the family. He picked out some blue pacifiers for his new cousin. Chelsea and Anna Grace, our neices, picked out a board book. Aren't they sooo sweet!
His second gift came this morning. Chasten (Miss Dance) gave Trigger a toy that can attach to the car seat. Of course the toy is educational since it has different textures for him to feel! Thanks, Chelsea, Corbin, Anna Grace, and Chasten!!
Well. I better go rest up for another day. Spring Break really spoiled me!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Drum roll, please.....
We are having a BOY!!!!!!!! I know...I was surprised. I guess my feeling was wrong. We are going
to have a precious boy, and we are very excited. It will be the first boy grandchild (and great grandchild) on my side of the family. We had alot of fun telling my parents and matt's parents last night. I had made two sets of burp cloths: two for girls and two for boys. Yesterday, after the ultrasound, I wrapped up the boy burp cloths for our parents. I will post a picture of them opening them. I know your next question, "Have you thought about names?" Yes, we have a name and I will explain the meaning behind it. We are going to
name our little boy....
Trigger Woodard. I know it is a different name, but it is a family name. My mom's name was Trigger so of course that is a very special name for me. We are still working on the middle name. He will be called Trigger!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Shhhhh....It's a SECRET!!!
We had THE ultrasound today and everything looked good. The ultrasound tech did a great job, and she told us everything measured on time and all the organs were in place. The big secret is that Matt and I know what we are having (the baby's sex). BUT, we are not telling until tonight. I wanted to tell my parents when they're together and not just over the phone. We will go visit my parents at 5:00ish, and Matt's parents are meeting us at our house at 6:00. It is KILLING me not being able to tell. We are very excited. We really just wanted to see a healthy baby on the screen. I have to admit that I was a little nervous since we have not had an official ultrasound in over 7 weeks. It was definitely an added bonus to find out the sex!!! I hope you all have a GREAT day, and I am sure that we will be talking to alot of you tonight. If I don't get a chance to call you, please check the blog tomorrow. I will reveal the secret on the blog and add some ultrasound pictures!!! YAY!!!!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter Weekend
I hope everyone had a good Easter. We had a great weekend. On Saturday, I went to our anual Uncle Sydney's (family) picnic. If you saw me this weekend, you know that I got burnt very badly at the picnic but it was good to see family members that I haven't seen in a long time. On Saturday night, Matt and I went to Mamaw and Papaw's house for supper. We had fun watching Abby, Meredith, and Sydney! Next Easter will be a little more busy with our baby AND Jenny's baby. My cousin, Jenny, called me Thursday night to tell me that she is expecting her second child on October 1st. WOW....our family is growing FAST!
On Easter, Matt and I got up and went to Sunday School and Church. Afterwards, we went to Matt's parents house to eat lunch. We had a great time. While we were eating, Anna Grace kept nodding off while eating her lunch. I gladly volunteered to hold her while she took her nap. There is nothing more peaceful than watching a baby sleep. We left Matt's parents and went straight to the hospital BECAUSE Michelle wanted to take another look at the baby on the ultrasound machine. She is determined to figure out the sex of the baby. Susan also met us up there to take a look. Well....we still don't know what we are having which is okay. I was just very thankful to see the baby's heartbeat and that the baby was moving. Matt and I left the hospital and went home to eat supper and watch Enchanted. Matt is such a sport to watch such a girly movie.
I do have to say...I really am thinking the baby might be a girl! I don't know why but holding Anna Grace and watching Enchanted just made me feel like it might be a girl! We will see on Friday!!!
It was a busy weekend!
On Easter, Matt and I got up and went to Sunday School and Church. Afterwards, we went to Matt's parents house to eat lunch. We had a great time. While we were eating, Anna Grace kept nodding off while eating her lunch. I gladly volunteered to hold her while she took her nap. There is nothing more peaceful than watching a baby sleep. We left Matt's parents and went straight to the hospital BECAUSE Michelle wanted to take another look at the baby on the ultrasound machine. She is determined to figure out the sex of the baby. Susan also met us up there to take a look. Well....we still don't know what we are having which is okay. I was just very thankful to see the baby's heartbeat and that the baby was moving. Matt and I left the hospital and went home to eat supper and watch Enchanted. Matt is such a sport to watch such a girly movie.
I do have to say...I really am thinking the baby might be a girl! I don't know why but holding Anna Grace and watching Enchanted just made me feel like it might be a girl! We will see on Friday!!!
It was a busy weekend!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Ultrasound Pictures

I was talking to one of my friends, Michelle, on Tuesday about the sex of Baby Woodard. She said she thinks it is a boy. She suggested I come to have an ultrasound with her to see if we could find out what we were having. Matt and I went this afternoon. Michelle is so sweet to take her time to help us out. We looked on the ultrasound machine for 15-20 minutes. Nothing...the baby was moving a bunch. He/she is very active. However, this is a very modest baby and did not want us to see it's parts. The baby stayed on his/her bottom the entire time. W
e did get some good shots of Baby Woodard. The first ultrasound is a good shot of the stomach and head. The second ultrasound is a of the baby's hand is to it's mouth. Sooo sweet!!!

Problem Solved!
After Matt has spent alot of time calling and researching about medication, the problem has been solved. Dr. Harper was able to find some Heparin for us from Green Clinic. It has definitely been a roller coaster ride this past week. We were very relieved when we finally had the medication in our hands.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Drugs are a PAIN!
Ok...so most of you know that because of my condition I am taking shots of Heparin twice a day throughout the pregnancy. It is critically important that I continue this medication! Matt gives me the shots and he is very gentle with me because you know that I am NOT a good patient especially when it comes to shots. In my defense, I have to get the shots in my stomach and they can be pretty painful!! I am VERY thankful that there is medication so that we can have a child. 15-20 years ago I might not have been so lucky!
Well...Matt called on Monday to get a refill of the Heparin. We usually have to get it shipped from a pharmacy in Shreveport because pharmacies in Ruston do not stock the medication. The pharmacists told Matt that the dose of Heparin that I take had been put on HOLD because of recalls. Matt frantically called around and even called a few manufacturers. He has two orders placed as of right now but we aren't sure when they will come in. I have enough medication to last until next Tuesday. We are a little aggravated by the situation, but I am sure that it will resolve itself in time. We are very lucky to have three RNs that have helped us out a great deal...Thanks, Aunt Teresa, Susan, and Michelle.
Dr. Harper is in the process of possibly switching my medication all together which makes me a little nervous. He assures us that he will take care of us no matter what and he will not let us go without medication.
By the way, I really am not stressed about the situation. Matt, Susan, and many other friends/family are concerned that I am stressed or getting worked up over this. I really know that everything is going to be fine.
I do have to say that Matt is the BEST husband. He has been making phone calls trying to get everything worked out so that I don't have to worry about it! THANK YOU, Matthew!
Well...Matt called on Monday to get a refill of the Heparin. We usually have to get it shipped from a pharmacy in Shreveport because pharmacies in Ruston do not stock the medication. The pharmacists told Matt that the dose of Heparin that I take had been put on HOLD because of recalls. Matt frantically called around and even called a few manufacturers. He has two orders placed as of right now but we aren't sure when they will come in. I have enough medication to last until next Tuesday. We are a little aggravated by the situation, but I am sure that it will resolve itself in time. We are very lucky to have three RNs that have helped us out a great deal...Thanks, Aunt Teresa, Susan, and Michelle.
Dr. Harper is in the process of possibly switching my medication all together which makes me a little nervous. He assures us that he will take care of us no matter what and he will not let us go without medication.
By the way, I really am not stressed about the situation. Matt, Susan, and many other friends/family are concerned that I am stressed or getting worked up over this. I really know that everything is going to be fine.
I do have to say that Matt is the BEST husband. He has been making phone calls trying to get everything worked out so that I don't have to worry about it! THANK YOU, Matthew!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Our Dr. Visit
Well...we went to the doctor this morning. And, let me just say, I LOVE DR. HARPER! He's the best OBGYN!!!! Anyway, we listened to the heartbeat and he measured my stomach. That was it!! He did tell me to come back in two weeks for another check of the heartbeat and stomach measuring. He is being very cautious and going ahead and seeing me every two weeks which makes me feel good. But, the big news is he already ordered THE ultrasound for two weeks. This is the VERY important ultrasound that will tell us if we will be seeing blue or pink!!!! We left Dr. Harper and went straight down to Xray to make our ultrasound appointment. We scheduled it for March 28th. That's the BIG day!! I can't wait to find out the sex...it is driving me CRAZY!!!! And, no, I have NO clue...not even a hunch of what we are having! Matt says we are having a girl and he is usually right sooooo we will see!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
BOY or GIRL?????????
Another question I am continually asked..."are you going to find out?" YES....we will find out the sex of our baby. I am too much of a planner to wait until birth. Those of you that know me, you know that I can NOT handle secrets or surprises!!! We should go for our ultrasound in two weeks to find out if we will be blessed with a boy or a girl. Please see our poll at the bottom of the post. We want to know what you think so please vote!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Feeling Better....
Well. Everyone I come in contact with lately wants to know...."How are you feeling?" I thought I should let you know that I am feeling better and better everyday. I was getting sick at night but not so much anymore. I still feel completely exhausted at the end of the day...it might have something to do with the 19 little ones that I teach all day!!! :) I have gotten into a habit of going to bed around 8:30/9:00. I figure I might as well get plenty of sleep while I can!
Matt has handled me with such love and care. I couldn't have a better husband!!! He is so patient even when I constantly say, "Nope, that doesn't sound good...Nope, I don't want to eat that either." Eating at night is such an issue. Nothing sounds good! I'm sure that this too will pass.
Matt has been pretty bogged down at work but he still makes sure that he comes home at a decent hour! I really don't know how he gets up so early and keeps going all day. I am so proud of him!!
Matt has handled me with such love and care. I couldn't have a better husband!!! He is so patient even when I constantly say, "Nope, that doesn't sound good...Nope, I don't want to eat that either." Eating at night is such an issue. Nothing sounds good! I'm sure that this too will pass.
Matt has been pretty bogged down at work but he still makes sure that he comes home at a decent hour! I really don't know how he gets up so early and keeps going all day. I am so proud of him!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I thought I should catch you up!

We are having a BABY!
Matt and I are very excited to announce that we are having a baby. I am 14.5 weeks right now. We are counting down the days until our next doctors appointment so we can hear our precious baby's heartbeat again. It is the most amazing sound! We have about four more weeks until we find out the sex! What do you think we are having? Boy or Girl?
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