Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Playdate with friends

We had a little playdate with some of my stay home mom friends and their children.  We met at church to play on the fun new playset!  It was so nice and wasn’t hot like being outside!  The kids had an awesome time…and I actually thought it was pretty stress free.  Larkin started out on the ground but got picked up pretty quickly because the older children (and by older I mean 2-4 yrs old…we have lots of young children!) were running around…and because she is spoiled!IMG_6690IMG_6691Trigger and Campbell on the playsetIMG_6694IMG_6695IMG_6697Sweet Nolan!IMG_6705Trigger and Tucker had THE BEST TIME playing together!  IMG_6711Look at these precious children!  Campbell, Rhett, and Catherine didn’t get in the picture…and we had several little babies too that aren’t in the picture!IMG_6716Look at those smiles!IMG_6730

I can’t wait for another playdate…it really was so much fun! 

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