Friday, September 21, 2012


Matt turned 31 on September 13th…and according to our friend, we are OLD….(you know who YOU are!!!!)  Believe me…I feel OLD!!! These children are aging me…I’m really surprised that I don’t have gray hair…or maybe I do and I just havent noticed since I don’t look in the mirror very much anymore! Anyway, this post is NOT about ME…it’s about my wonderful husband.  He doesn’t make a  big deal about birthdays (opposite of me).  I made some banana pudding for him because he LOVES it and I haven’t made it for him lately.  YUMMY!  We put candles in it and sang happy bday to him after the boys got done with supper.  I rushed and put Larkin down and my parents came to put the boys down…Matt and I went to supper at CHILIS!  I know, boring, right?!?!  Well, we just aren’t really fancy eaters…especially me.  So, I really prefer something laid back and easy.  Plus, I didn’t want to leave my parents at our house to long and drive to Monroe.  QUICK and Easy and we enjoyed some alone time and adult conversation!  We ran by walmart to get some diapers on the way home…we are an exciting couple, aren’t we!  The great part is…I LOVED THE EVENING…so even though it probably sounds boring to a majority of people, its perfect for me and my husband!!!!

We love you, Matthew!!!!!!  WE hope we get to spend many, many more birthdays with you!!!!

The boys waiting to get some banana pudding.



Amy Hogan said...

What kind of friend would tell you that you are OLD?!?! ;)

Anonymous said...

Chili's should bring back lots of memories. I think it's the perfect place for y'all!