Saturday, September 22, 2012


Our church has just completed a new addition…a children’s building.  It is called The Journey.  It is absolutely amazing.  My children have been so excited to go to church. 

A couple of Sundays ago, we had the ribbon cutting for it.  IMG_5505Check out Trigger’s glasses..they came with a dr kit and he LOVES them.  I think they are funny!IMG_5506IMG_5512Campbell was so funny.  He kept running back and forth to me while Dr. Rick was talking about the building.IMG_5514We ate hot dogs and corndogs.  Campbell and Nolan are best buds! IMG_5518After we ate, we got to go inside to look around and the kids played on the indoor playset.  It is AWESOME!  The boys were soooo excited.  It is designed for ages 2-12.  Campbell was a little small and had a hard time climbing up and getting through different obstacles.  I did not say a single word to Trigger…he took it upon himself to look after Campbell.  I have never seen his big brother role kick in like this.  He was helping him by lifting, pulling, and guiding him through each and every part.  Campbell would run a different direction and Trigger would stop going the way he wanted to go so he could go follow Campbell and help him…I’m telling you…SWEETEST THING EVER!  I was one proud momma!  At one point, the boys got separated and Trigger went down the slide and thought Campbell was with him…he panicked and started saying in the most pitiful voice “ive lost him…I don’t know where camel is…he’s lost”.  POOR baby!  He  was so concerned!IMG_5527IMG_5528

I wish I had better pictures but the boys were sooo quick and I just had my phone with me. 

We feel sooo blessed to be at a church where its so important to teach children about God and bring new children in.  This building is going to allow us to draw in more young couples and more young children and maybe reach some people who are not currently attending church.

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