Friday, September 14, 2012

ok…so I lied!

blah…I just havent wanted to blog…it’s a constant battle.  I want the memories on here but yet I do NOT like taking the time to blog.  Make sense?  probably not.  But, there you go…confession!  I’m lazy!  Ha!  I had to go back to my blog to see what I had blogged about…It appears that It was a bunch of jibberish…and then I looked at the post before that that states that I will be posting two more posts on our beach trip…forget that…I don’t even remember which pictures I had chosen soooo I just improvised and chose some quickly. ;)  Okay…lets rewind back a couple of months and finish out this beach trip quickly so we can move on to the 300 other posts that I need to make! 

One afternoon we went to the outlets.  With these three children, you have to move quickly and be on a big mission.  There is absolutely no strolling around and leisurely looking at the stores that look neat or have great window displays.  NOPE…none of that.  It’s more like “drop me off here the kids need pjs…”.  We did stop and let the kids ride the merry go round.  That was fun while they were on it and then it was a huge meltdown afterwards.   And that was a scene, of course.  IMG_5432IMG_5444IMG_5446IMG_5449The rest of the trip was spent playing, trying to get everyone to nap, and eating phenomenal suppers each night (and keep the meltdowns to a minimum)!IMG_5456IMG_5458IMG_5482IMG_5498As  you can clearly see, we did NOT get any good group shots.IMG_5518Aunt Karen took Trigger down the slide!IMG_5549This was as good as it got the whole trip. IMG_5597IMG_5634Don’t you love trigger’s face…he was dancing!IMG_5643Some of the cousins (Campbell, Trigger, Sydney, Abby, and Reid)IMG_5685And the rest of the cousins (Jake and Larkin)IMG_5692Like I said, we did not have a lot of cooperation for picture taking.IMG_5710Maybe I should just photoshop us so we can all be in one picture together. IMG_5714

Okay…that’s it…beach posts are OVER! Time to move on…

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