Friday, September 14, 2012

Trigger is FOUR

Okay…WOW…I still can’t believe my first born is FOUR.  Four sounds so OLD.  sigh.  They are growing up! 

I had balloons all over the den and kitchen when he got up…and I have to say that I almost passed out from blowing up that many balloons..isn’t that pathetic?IMG_5752Look at that sweet face!IMG_5754My family!IMG_5757Campbell was playing us a little toon…everytime I see them playing their harmonicas it reminds me of Dr. Magee. IMG_5763Trigger opening his presents.IMG_5764IMG_5768He got a mobigo2.  it was just released days before his birthday so I had it rushed delivery to get here on time.IMG_5770IMG_5779Big boy asked for a BIG cinnamon roll for his bday.  IMG_5783IMG_5786Little brother just watched intently…im pretty sure he was wondering if he was going to get breakfast!IMG_5787Okay…don’t judge…we still had on pjs…if I remember correctly, they were all snotty and had to stay home from church.  ALSO, don’t judge my cake..I couldve done a better job but I was sooo not feeling it…and he wanted all chocolate icing…not much of a way to make a cupcake cake with all choc icing look appealing.  IMG_5805Trigger got a trampoline from zizzy and poppy.  IMG_5807IMG_5816Yep…like I said, don’t judge…no makeup…in pjs…it was laid back birthday!IMG_5817

Happy birthday, sweet boy.  You have such a kind heart…and are so head strong…just like a couple of other adults that happen to live in the same house as you! ;)  We love you!

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