Wednesday, October 10, 2012


A few weeks ago (maybe longer), we went to the Tech pep rally.  It was just something fun to do with the kids.  The boys had a blast!

IMG_6732IMG_6734Our friends, the Hogans were there…this is their adorable children, Hallie and Nolan.IMG_6735IMG_6741And, the Williams were there too..and Trigger got to sit with their precious little girl, Catherine.  They will be in school together next year at Cedar Creek.IMG_6748Me and Amy and the baby girls!IMG_6749IMG_5602My precious first born!IMG_5611

I am getting a little overwhelmed lately…and im getting a tiny taste (and I do mean TINY) of what is to come with running the roads.  I feel like all I do lately is get up and get everyone ready…load everyone up…take one or two to school…come home to put larkin down for nap…try to pick up…load back up to pick up one or two (depending on day)…come home and try to get supper…then load back up to run errands/soccer practice/church/etc….come back home to eat supper, bathe, and put everyone to bed.  It is truly a world wind every single day!

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