Monday, October 22, 2012

Larkin’s Neuro

Okay…this is a little late…We went to see Dr. Notarianni (Larkin’s pediatric neurologist) on September 17th.  She said that her xrays of her skull looked good.  Her cranial fracture is still not healed completely. BUT, it is almost there.  She felt confident that it would be healed at our next appointment…which is in November 19th.  Of course the appointment took forever…we had to register at the hospital..again…and then up to xray to wait.  got our xrays.  went to pediatric outpatient and waited.  The doctor came in and was literally in there for five minutes.  She is super sweet but good grief they are in and out so fast!  I can’t wait until our next appointment.  I am hoping that will be it and we can be discharged from Dr. Notarianni.  Oh and I did ask her about Larkin in the future…if she could play/participate in sports or if she was at more risk.  She said there was no reason that she would have to refrain from any sports.  YAY!  She can be a cheerleader! ;)IMG_5630IMG_5638Also, in September, Larkin decided that it was WAY more fun to sit up and play in her bed than to take naps. :(  By now (in October), almost be over that.  Maybe!IMG_5643IMG_5645IMG_5646

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