Whew…time is FLYING! We are busy, busy, busy and time just won’t slow down. You were 9 months on September 6, 2012. I took some pictures of you that day so I could remember what you looked like on your 9 month birthday! I feel like there is so much to tell about this month. Let me see if I can remember everything.
Stats: 16 lbs. 9 oz. (14th percentile) and 25.5 inches (4th percentile) and 44.4 cm (62nd percentile)….Soooo, you are obviously petite with a big head. Haha!
Clothes: It really varies depending on the brand but I would say that 6 month dresses fit you the best. If it is a bubble, you wear 9 months. In pjs, you have moved up to 9-12 months. You have the tiniest feet. You still wear 0-3 months shoes. You can wear your new 3-6 months shoes but they are too big for you.
Teeth: In the last month, your left fang tooth has come through AND your two top middle teeth.
Health: You have been sick for the entire last month….with upper respiratory and ears. Your ears have been infected the entire four weeks. We have had you on three different oral antibiotics AND 3 rocephin shots AND 2 steroid shots and none of it made the infection go away. So, last week you had tubes put in your ear. We have also discovered during the preop bloodwork that your IgA antibodies are very low. These are the antibodies that your body is supposed to have to help you fight respiratory infections. This pretty much means that if you get a runny nose/common cold, it will turn into a respiratory illness. We haven’t met with Dr. Neal for our post op appointment…he is going to talk to Dr. Slusher to come up with a plan of treatment. Dr. Neal did tell us that it would me more aggressive treatment as soon as a cold comes on and not let it run it’s course like they usually tell you for a virus. When I went to Dr. Slusher this past week for Trigger’s ears, we briefly discussed Larkin. She wasn’t overly excited about this discovery but did say that this did explain a lot about why she has been so sick during her first 9 months of life! Campbell had had the test done also back in May when he got tubes. His numbers were a tad low but still in an acceptable range for his age. Dr. Slusher couldn’t find Trigger’s numbers and would like him tested because it is hereditary. I’m fairly certain that she got that from me since everytime my nose runs, it goes STRAIGHT to my chest….dr brantley always wanted me to have that test run but just haven’t gotten around to it! Sorry, little girl!
Sleep: Larkin rarely takes two naps…it just never works out…she usually gets one nap a day. This four week long ear/resp. infection has gotten us a little out of a napping habit! Slowly but surely we are getting back into the routine. Larkin would like to be in bed by 630 but that doesn’t always happen. She sleeps until 7 or 8 in the morning.
Eating: She is eating great. I am a horrible mother. I always forget to feed her food. She nurses all the time! But, it seems that we are always on the go and I forget to feed her food. She gets one (maybe two) meal a day. I am still making all of her food. She eats the traditional fruits and veges. She has also discovered that she really likes to eat what we are eating so I usually give her bites of my food. Physical: Larkin is BUSY! She is crawling EVERYWHERE…from room to room…all over the house. And, she is now pulling up. She likes to go, go, go. And she loves the playroom. I am thinking that we are going to have to do some cleaning out of boy toys soon and make room for Larkin’s toys.
I love these next three pictures…she was throwing a royal fit because she wanted down out of the chair.
check out the tears!
She still sucks her thumb. At some point, she switched from her right to her left thumb. I think that happened around her 7 month.
Absolutely love this outfit.
These pictures of Larkin with her baby doll make me smile every single time!
Her sweet, tiny foot!
Glad I got this 9 month post in….it’s almost time for her 10 month post. I must, must get better about blogging on time! And, I must start working on Larkin’s first birthday party. I need to start coming up with a theme! Oh my goodness…you have NO idea how much we love this little girl. She has been such a blessing to us!!!!!!
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