Friday, May 18, 2012

Trigger’s End of the Year program

Last week seems like it happened a month ago…anyway, Trigger had his last day on preschool on Thursday (May 10th).  They had a program with lots of singing.  It was really cute…and wouldve been even cuter if Trigger would have actually sung the songs.  I do have to give him a little credit…he did much better than he did last time.  At his Thanksgiving program, he had a finger in his nose almost the whole time…this time, he just stood there and smiled.  At least he has a really cute smile! 

I had to have a picture of him washing his hands because that is something that we did EVERY morning when we arrived…as you can tell, Trigger was thrilled to have his picture taken.

IMG_3384IMG_3395IMG_3398We LOVE Mrs. Lisa!!!!IMG_3402And, the three of us…it seems like it was just yesterday when it was JUST the three of us!IMG_3404

And, here is a picture of his first day of preschool.

2011 237And, his last day of preschool…did you notice that in BOTH pictures, he DESPERATELY needs a haircut.  The problem is that Campbell has been so sick lately, I haven’t been able to squeeze in an extra second to get their haircut!  IMG_3383

Trigger has had such a good year at Trinity.  We have missed a lot of days because of illnesses but it has been so good for him and his social skills.  Mrs. Lisa has been SOOOO good for Trigger.  Trigger will do one more year at Trinity…the four year old program…and then he will go to Cedar Creek Pre-K.  We decided when he was born…actually before he was born, that we would hold him back.  His birthday is July 29th and I do NOT want him behind at all…so he will be five when he starts Cedar Creek Pre-k.  He could start this next year but I can’t imagine how he could do it…he is SO not ready…and I know! because I taught it.  Not that we are discussing Campbell but we will hold him back too.  His birthday is June 3rd and I still think it will be very beneficial for him to wait.  I have never seen it hurt a child…especially a boy, to start a year late!!!!!!

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