Monday, May 14, 2012

Larkin- Four Months

Larkin turned four months on Sunday, May 6th, 2012.  She didn’t go to the doctor for her checkup until Tuesday.  She weighed 11lbs 15oz (25th percentile) and was 24.5 inches (75th percentile).  Dr. Slusher said that she would be surprised if she was measured good because she jumped so much on her height….so that 75th percentile is probably inaccurate.  Larkin is wearing size 1 diapers during the day and size 2 at night.  After we finish up this package of size 1, we will start buying all size 2s.  I have JUST now (in the last couple of days) stopped putting her in 0-3 month pajamas…her toes were finally getting too close to the end and seemed crammed…so she is now wearing 3 month or some 3-6 month sleepers.  The fact that she is 4 months and wearing 3 month footed sleepers should tell you that she was DEFINITELY measured wrong for her height.  She still wears 3 month clothes…I can put her in some 6 months if they are bubbles AND hand-me-downs.  It’s funny how so many people comment on how little she is because she does NOT look little to me.  She looks so BIG to me.  IMG_3308

She has been sleeping GREAT.  We aren’t home a lot during the day…or we are in and out, running to pick Trigger up from school…if we stay home, you take good naps in your bed.  At night, you are sleeping ALL NIGHT and have been since you found your thumb.  Our nighttime routine is to change into pjs, nurse, and I lay you in your bed…usually awake…and you go to sleep.  SOOOOO good!  That is anywhere between 7 and 8.  You usually sleep until 630-7.  Sometimes you will wake up at 5 but I can usually feed you and put you right back down in your bed.  IMG_3281

I feed you every three hours during the day…and only feed you during the night IF you wake up which has only happened about 2 or 3 times in the last few weeks.  We will not be starting solids anytime soon.  I waited until 8 months with Trigger and 6 months with Campbell.  I am NOT one of these that gets excited to start solids.  To me it just takes forever, they make a huge mess, and there’s just no point in it when they get everything they need from breastmilk.  Plus, Dr. Slusher actually told me to NOT start Larkin yet because of her head injury.  She said that if she had an allergy to anything, it might just cause confusion in knowing if it was something related to injury or allergy.  So, for now, you will have to just enjoy breastmilk.  IMG_3323

You still take prevacid and zantac for acid reflux.  We will probably work on getting you off of the prevacid soon because it can cause problems with calcium absorption. 

You are now smiling, laughing (chuckles…not rolling laughter yet), rolling over from tummy to back, and you held your first toy the other day (because your looney momma didn’t even think about giving you something to play with until just last week…oops!)

IMG_3255IMG_3303Larkin is talking up a storm these days…she is cooing and it is so precious!!! 

Just because I think it is fun, we are going to compare my three children at 4 months.

IMG_3641Mamaw and Papaw's House 018IMG_3356

Larkin definitely favors Trigger…poor Campbell looked like he was malnourished!  Life with three is busy, busy, busy…I definitely do NOT have enough hands but it’s fun and I love my big family so much!!!!

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