Sunday, May 13, 2012


We are so blessed with some awesome friends.  Gabe and Amy had asked if we wanted this castle that Gabe’s uncle had made for Nolan and Hallie.  THey had used it for a long time and were tired of it so they thought they would share.  Gabe brought it over last monday (while we were at the ER with Larkin) and put it together.  The boys have had THE best time playing with it.  We needed something new to do last week so I stripped the boys down and got out some paint and let them paint the castle.  THey thought it was so awesome.  IMG_3244IMG_3245IMG_3249IMG_3253

I’m a little irritated with myself because Gabe and Amy came over last Sunday night to eat and let the kids play….I’m not irritated that they came…im irritated because I didn’t take a single picture of the kids playing.  They had a great time.  I hate that we can’t have people over more often…maybe all of our illnesses will be gone for good soon and we can start having more people over.  The boys LOVE having company…Trigger said several times that Nolan was his “best friend” and Campbell keeps pointing outside and saying “nowan”…AND, they think Gabe is “so funny” and of course all of my children love Amy.  It’s so great to have friends like Gabe and Amy that we can just be ourselves with…we don’t have to get on our hands and knees to clean the baseboards before they come…I can wear my tshirt and tennis shoes…we just have a good time together…stress free.  I love it!

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