Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cousin Love…congrats Lance

Uncle Lance graduated from PT school this past Friday.  We had a little family celebration with some crawfish.  It was so fun…and as always, CHAOTIC.  Matt and I didn’t eat crawfish because Matt is highly allergic…and I didn’t because I’m breastfeeding and it’s recommended for you to stay away from eating foods that someone in your family is allergic to.  PLUS, it’s nearly impossible for one of us to watch all three kids while in a chaotic situation like that…so I needed to be available and not covered in crawfish juice.  SUCH is the LIFE! ;) I tried getting some pictures of the three and I got some great ones…only to realize later that I had my camera on the manual setting while inside and they all turned out pitch black…so I attempted to recreate the pictures a little while later and they did NOT turn out so great…but here they are.   Matt did take the boys to ride the “fire jeep”.  They LOVE it!!!!IMG_3740IMG_3743IMG_3749We got some with Reid too…the first attempt pictures would have been a lot better of these too…IMG_3754However, this picture below is MY favorite!  Look at campbell…he is telling Reid “shhhhh”…which is so humorous because Reid wasn’t making a peep and Campbell pretty much yells most of the day.  Maybe he shouldve been telling himself to “shhhh”.  HA!IMG_3755IMG_3766Larkin and Meme…I didn’t get one of Larkin and Mamaw :(IMG_3776IMG_3778ANd, this was a big ordeal…The girls (abby and sydney) brought their swimsuits to swim and I didn’t realize anyone would be swimming…therefore, I didn’t bring trigger’s swimsuit.  He pouted forever…I mean with his head hung down, lip out, etc…the whole nine yards…it was pitiful.  I was hesitant to let him get in because Campbell had just gotten tubes/adenoids out a couple of days before so he did NOT need to swim….I didn’t want Campbell throwing a fit.  BUT, I finally gave in…I let Trigger swim in his underwear.  He was THRILLED.  I told Matt to go put on some floaties…I assumed he would put the frog ones on him…but, Matt chose the girly ladybug.  Oh well…IMG_3780

So, I don’t have a single picture of Lance but he graduated…worked really hard for three years and I know that he is so thankful to have school behind him.  He already has a job here in Ruston and we are glad to have him back home with us!!!!  Congratulations, Lance.  We are so proud of you!

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