Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Campbell’s Loves

Campbell has two main loves right now…BOOTS and TRACTORS.  If you have seen us lately, I’m sure that he has had on his boots…even if they don’t match AT ALL!!!  IT’s funny because with Trigger I would have NEVER allowed him to wear mismatched boots with his jon jons.  NO WAY…he wouldve had on matching sandals or keds.  However, I have relaxed and REALLY, REALLY MUST pick my battles because I now have THREE children AND because a majority of the time one or more of the three are sick and highly grumpy!  So, if boots make him happy, he gets to wear his boots. 

His other love…TRACTORS…the poor child…I wish I knew how many times a day he said the word “tractor”.  He loves them…the word love really doesn’t even accurately describe it…it’s probably more like an obsession.  I took a few pictures of Larkin on the table the other day and thought I would get a few of Campbell too…he wasn’t feeling the greatest because this was the day after his surgery (tubes, adenoids, sinus irrigation….more on that later).  Of course he had on his boots…and I get him to sit up there by giving him some tractors. 

IMG_3616IMG_3618IMG_3619IMG_3629OH and his other love is….his MOMMY….or at least I am adding that to the list!IMG_3695

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